Tuesday, May 1, 2007

new paw of fame

its weird , dogs with blogs has gone pretty far sense i have joined.
i mean now we even have our own DWB porn star , sunshade . go check out what i call , "miss sunshades wild ride" @ http://sunshadethesuperdale.blogspot.com . but warning , not suitable for dogz under the age if 7 (dog years). i don't mean to be inappropriate , but its pretty funny !!!

so anyhoo , i want to show you my paw of fame !!!!!!!!!!
like the online dog hall of fame which , well is exactly what it is . so enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!
the first annual hall of fame night is about me being crazy !!!!!! tonight will pretty much be all about me !! not that I'm not conceded but i didn't really have time to gather "material" . starting next week you can vote for the best pic that i post , and the winning shot will be put up in MY paw of fame !!!!! these pics where taken of mwaself yesterday !!!!



6) (sorry for moms big fat foot in the picture , it totally ruined it)


if you where in the chat room while i was talking about MY maggieMOBILE then you will know this . last week my mom backed up into a pole . MY maggieMOBILE is stilllll in the shop . the damage wasn't that bad the bumper was just a little crushed , and the back lift up door was dented , and MY back window was shattered . i am sawie i dont have picks of MY maggieMOBILE with the owie , these are picks that where taken a few weeks ago , i will post "p2 of the maggieMOBILE" when it is back from the carspitabl .... so here it is !!!!!!!!!

*last note*; look at these weird pics , mom thinks her camera/phone is broken , ooh well , she is getting a real camera tomorrow :)

love Maggie #2


Faya said...

Nr. 7 is funny ..... what were you looking for ? And I like your maggiemobile...Kiss, Faya

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

I like no 2. I sit on the couch like that.

Yeah, what were you looking for between the sofa cushions.

When mum gets her new camera we can have even more Maggie momenys, yay!

Oscar x

Fu Fu said...

Oh i like her MaggieMOBILE. will you bring me for a ride in it?

~ fufu

Duke said...

I hope the Maggiemobile gets fixed fast so you can go for ice cream treats like me and Mitch!

Love ya lots,

Boo Casanova said...


your mom's camera is really broke! hahahaha. for a moment, i thought your mom use photoshop to alter the photo.

sorry about your maggieMOBILE.

wet wet licks


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Those last pics were from the 70s!

Bussie Kissies

Peanut said...

Those are some awesome pics of you. Sorry about your maggiemobile. Hopefully you get it back soon.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh my goodness.. what were you doing in #2?? Were you looking for some treats that you ahve hidden away between the cushions? Heheh.. hope you found what you were looking for..

Bogart H. Devil said...

Congrats on convincing mom to get a new camera Maggie!!!!


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

hey maggie,

glad you enjoyed the pawty - it was lots of fun, wasn't it !

Love your Maggie-mobile, it's a very cool car :)


Ben & Darling said...

wow, your mobile soooooooooooo big oh!!!

Can you drive me around your place???

where are you ?