Monday, January 14, 2008


********If you don't know what happened to Maggie read this .
I have good news, and bad news. Despite Maggie's broken leg and paw she is walking. every hour one of the nurses takes her on a walk around the facility. When i went to visit her she was on one of her walks. When she saw me she tried to jump up but her couldn't because her leg. she was so sweet and i couldn't hold back the tears. I went in to her "room" and plaid tug with her and then she fell back to sleep. So anyway the bad news. She is having trouble breathing because of her collapsed lung so they nurses have to monitor that. What i worry about the most is that she will have hip problems when she is older, i know i should take it one step at a time but cant help it.... If she stays how she is now she will be able to come home tomorrow. Everything is just so sad. I feel very guilty today, and keep seeing her get hit again and again in my head.Thanks for all the support everyone, ill either update again tonight or tomorrow morning.
Maggie's Mom


Snowball's Jie Jie said...

oh dear... Iam sorry to read about this. I hope the Maggie will gain full recovery soon.

I will be keeping my paws crossed for her.

Luv and Hugs

Boo Boo said...

Dear Maggie,

Speeding recovery. She will constantly be in our prayers.

Oh and curse that notty baddy driver who not only hit her but didnt stop !! Thats so evil and irresponsible !!

Bogart H. Devil said...

Maggie - paws crossed for ya sweet girl, we're still cranking up the AireZen for you...


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh Maggie's mom, dont blame yourself. It's a very unfortunate incident.

*I hope the jerk's car doesn't start anymore and I still hope his toes get run over by something big

Please take care Maggie, I'll think about you. Stay strong for your mom

~ Girl girl

Joe Stains said...

We are sending all of the good thoughts we can muster. We have our paws crossed for Maggie!!!!!!!!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Magzz,
I just sent something to your email.. Hope that it'll cheer you up a little!

We will be constantly checking in for updates.. Take care girlie!

Huskee Boy

Lorenza said...

thanks for the update. we are praying for her and you too.
I can imagine how you feel right now but sure having Maggie at home soon will make things easier.
Take care

Anonymous said...

Hie Maggie,

I am praying that you will get better. Don't worry about the jerk. Karma..karma..karma.
He will learn it the hard way later. So as long as Maggie will get better, I will be truly happy!

You hang in there ok?
Thinkg of all the fun things that you will be doing with Maggie and try not so replay the scene. :)
Take care! Give Maggie a kiss from me!

L said...

We are sorry to hear about Maggies accident. It is good to hear that she is doing ok. And Maggie's mom, don't feel guilty - us doggies are sneaky and sometimes sneak out before you can catch us.

Hugs and licks,
Comet and BLU

Noah the Airedale said...

How is Maggie today??? Our dales have made so many escapes I've lost count. They just don't have road sense which terrifies me.
Poor Maggie. I hope her injuries don't cause her too many problems.
You are all in our thoughts.
Take care.

Denise & Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

i said...

Sorry to hear about Maggie. Hope she recovers soon. I read about her from Girl Girl's blog.

The Brat Pack said...

Oh my gosh, we just heard the news. We're thinking about you and sending good vibes. If there is ANYTHING we can do please don't hesitate to ask.

Maryann & The Brats

Stanley said...

Mama de Maggie!

I just heard about Maggie's accident and want to let you know that I am sending lots of AireZen and healing goober smooches her way. PLease take some goober smooches for yourself too. I bet you could use them.

My hooman girl & I are praying for Maggs, and hope she DOES get to come home tomorrow.

Please give her a big mushy hug from me and some smooches on her punkin head.

Don't be too hard on yourself. It was an accident and could have happened to any of us.

All my goober love,
Stanley (and my girl)

Hammer said...

Dear Maggie's Mum
We are all praying hard that Maggie's collapsed lung will heal up very quickly. She is a strong girl and she knows how much you love her, so she should be fine. Please don't feel guilty. It's not your fault. I don't come when I'm called all the time, neither does Hobson and Rose. Also, don't think about the future. Think about NOW. Jessie was born with the worst case of hip displaysia mom's vet had ever seen and he did not expect her to live past 3yo. Because of regular, gentle exercise, a natural diet and natural products for arthritis and no drugs e.g. Ester C vitamin powder is very good for arthritis, Jessie was still going strong at almost 15yo.
Hugs and kisses from Hammer, his mum and their family

Jan Price said...

We stopped over after reading about Maggie at Asta's. We are so sorry about someone hitting her and not even stopping. We hope she will be well enough to come home soon and will heal quickly.

jans funny farm

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Get well soon!!

Steve and Kat

Lizzy said...

Oh dear, I just heard about the car accident! I hope you recover very quickly, Maggie! We're praying for ya.


Aunt Jan said...

Dear Maggie,
Please know I am praying for you to feel better real soon...hang in there and know lots of others are praying for you too.
Aunt Jan
(the BRAT PACK's auntie)

Anonymous said...

Dear Maggie's Mom,

I heard about Maggie from Asta Up Over's blog and came over as fast as I could. I am sorry to hear about the accident, but Maggie is such a sweet and strong girl I am sure she will pull through. Please stay strong and cheerful for your little girl and concentrate on the future and not what happened. We are all keeping Maggie in our thoughts and hoping for a speedy recovery!


Faya said...

My dear Maggie, I am so sad to hear this. I will pray for you. I hope we will read good news soon...
Kisses, Faya

Randi said...

Maggie! I don't think we've met..I saw you over on the Brat Pack's bloggy..I'm so sorry you had a bad accident...I feel so bad for you..those damn cars...I am praying & thinking really pawsitve thoughts for you & your momma...

Love & Licks,

PS...we are neighbors! I'm in San Diego too!

Boo Casanova said...

MAGGIE, i'm so sorry to hear that. those stupid ppl who run over dogs/cats/human should be captured, tortured and decapitated. that's a bit harsh but...

i wish maggie you well.

wet wet licks


Patience-please said...

We just read about Maggie's accident on the DWB forum. This isn't the best way to meet.. but we wanted to send our very very best miracle whippet healing prayers to Maggie. And our Servant says please not to feel guilty, it could happen to any one who loves a dog.
We hope Maggie gets better very fast like whippet speed.

wags from the whippets

Ben & Darling said...

OMdoG maggie, Im sorry for not dropping by earlier....and now Im kinda shock with your latest post....oh dear Magz, I hope you can recover soon, I hope I can share all those pain with you. Please rest, and promise me you will be better...we all miss you & we will pray for you.

Lacy said...

woofies dont blame uself, it wuznt ur wuz dat stoopid driver of dat cars fault....will check back fur updates....

b safe,

Lisa said...

Oh my goodness, how awful for Maggie! I just found your blog the other day and loved that cute picture in the upper right corner. I will say lots of prayers for Maggie's speedy recovery.

(And I hope karma comes back to hit the guy who did the hit and run on Maggie)

Purrs & Kisses,
Lisa & the Frisky Felines

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Maggie and her mom...
we're very encouraged that Maggie is on her paws and able to walk around a bit!
Please try and be gentle with yourself about this happening...accidents happen in spite of our best efforts...anyone of our dogs could be in that hospital right now...

We have another big package of Terrier zen for you and if you need the services of the DWB nurse corps, please let Koobie, the Asta's or me know stat and we'll come and help!!

Terrier healing barks....Lacie

Amber-Mae said...

Oh my...Good thing is not really that serious but still. Maggie, please get better soon okay? We're very worried about you dear...Please be strong.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ume said...

hi Maggie,
i heard abt your accident from Butchy & Snickers.

i'll be keeping my paws crossed for u, n sending u pawsitive vibes! have a speedy recovery!!!

Charlie said...

Hang in there. You & Maggie are in our thoughts. We're pulling for you both.
- Charlie

Luckie Girl said...

I just got news about dear Maggie. I do hope she recovers soon. Don't be too hard on yourself Maggie's Mom. Take care and continue to keep us updated. I will be checking back.

Goofy said...

pls recover real soon maggie.. i've got ur news thru Girl Girl's blog.
paws crossed over here!!!!

The Black and Tans. said...


We hope you are home really soon Maggie and we are keeping our paws crossed that you will make an excellent recovery.


Molly and Taffy

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about poor Maggie and am sending you many positive and healing thoughts that she will be home and well again soon.


Harry said...

Sweet Maggie, glad to hear you're showing true Terrier spirit, but take your time getting better OK? Mum will be a fine nursemaid I'm sure.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Duke said...

Our paws remain crossed for you and the AireZen is still coming! Feel better soon, Maggie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Headgirl said...

Oh my! Shock- horror!
I'm sorry but I'm late catching up with this.
What an awful thing to happen!
Poor Maggie, & poor mom too.
I really do hope she's going to be fine - will be thinking of you both and be back soon to see.

Love, pats & pets

Anonymous said...

oh we are thinking of you and keeping our paws and fingers crossed, and yes, curse the awful driver who caused all this pain and anguish.

Love and healing light from all of us here in Scotland.

Jeannie and Marvin xxxxx

Princess Patches said...

Dear Maggie's Mom,

Please don't blame yourself, for this. Most dogs don't have the fear of cars that they should have. I don't know of any way to teach it to them without them getting hurt. We are praying for Maggie's full recovery! And we are praying for it to happen very quickly. Please take care of yourself AND Maggie!

Poppy & Penny

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Oh Maggie! Lots of licks and kissies and you get all betterer real soon!

Bussie Kissies

Amber said...

Maggie, I heard from Butchy and Snickers. Hope you have a speedy recovery! We will come back to check updates on you.

Amber :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the accident.

hope that maggie recovers really soon.


Mack said...

Hi pretty Maggie. So sorry to hear about the accident. I hope you recover super fast.
Mom & I are saying a prayer for you!

The Daily Echo said...

We just heard about Maggie's mishap and hope she's feeling better this morning. Know that Sibe Vibes are coming your way for a complete recovery!

Izzie said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Maggie. I am praying she recovers soon. She sounds like a trooper and so do you!

Dakota said...

Hi Maggie,
We're new to your blog, and so sorry to hear this. I know you will get better, and I am sending Husky woos to help.


Ruby Bleu said...

You have to stop replaying the accident (easy for me to say) and just replay how happy she was to see you! Nothing is ever in our control...hard lesson to learn. But she is with you and getting better...that's all that counts!

Michele, Ruby's mom

The Zoo Crew said...

Our friends at Five Happy Hounds told us about your accident. Please hurry and get better!!!

Peace + Paws,

The Zoo Crew

wally said...

Oh Maggie, I hope you getter better soon. We will be thinking about you. Take care of yourself and your mum. I hope she doesn't feel sad. Accidents can happen to anybody. Get well soon!


Unknown said...

maggie.. helo...
we wish you feel bether soon and you home with your mom..
a big hug

Girasol said...

omg! I'm so sorry to read this awful news.
I'll cross my paws and pray.
I still can't believe that idiot din't stop...he or she is evil.

~Sweety~ said...

Hi Maggie,

Be strong and brave!

We be praying for you!
Paws crossed!

to maggie mummy, be strong for maggie too and take care of yourself.

Lots of Love,

Mary-Margaret O'Brien said...

Hugs from us here in Temecula. Praying for continued speedy and full recovery. Tell her Mary-Margaret sends her kisses and will call her on the steam iron later. (It's a Yorkie's how we communicate without running up phone bills).

Love, Mary-Margaret and her Mom

Gus said...

Hope Maggie continues to do well. We are keeping her close in our thoughts.


jaffeboy said...

That is terrible. So sorry to hear about this.

Hope Maggie will recover well.

A word for that jerk :"what goes around, comes around."

Paws crossed for you Maggie!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Oh Maggie! we jus heard from the brat pack and rushed over. We feel bad fur your experience but glad your doing well and we will pray fur your fast recovery!

Loe Licks & waggin TX tails

The Airechicks said...

Maggie & Maggie's Mom:

We've got Grampie watching from heaven - We'll say our prayers.

Got the Airezen geared up & on it's way -

It's going to get better - MM the only thing to do is move forward and forgive yourself - accidents are part of everyday life...

Smilie - luv ya !!


Welcome To The Life Of Ezzy Rider And Jagger said...

Maggie cutie

We heard through Penny and Poppy's Mom about your accident. We are Ezzy Rider and Jagger from Roswell GA. We send you our love and are keeping our paws crossed for a speedy recovery . We send Airehugs to yoour Mom too.

Jake of Florida said...

We just stopped by to check how you and Maggie are doing. Stay strong -- and no guilt, it's not your fault!!!

Terriers are tough and we're sending -- not AIREZEN -- but WIREZEN -- compact and focused for her recovery.

All our best wirey vibes,

Jake and Just Harry

Putter said...


We are thinking of you! Please get betterest soonest, K?


Putter ...:)

Johann The Dog said...

I just heard and ran right over!!! I'm so sorry to hear what happened, but I an really glad that Maggie will be OK. It will take time for both of you to heal - hang in there, K?!!!!

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Gee, Maggie doesn't know us, but we read about her accident on The Brat Pack's bloggie. We sure do hope that she is getting stronger & feeling better every day. We are sending her lots of big Sibe vibes to help her get well.
-Cosmos & Juneau-

Lady Kaos said...

Hi Maggie's Mom!
I've been reading about you on a lot of other blogs and just had to stop in to send my good wishes and good vibes. My little dacshund sister hardly ever comes when she's called and we live on a busy street, too. Mom freaks out every time my sister points her nose at the street instead of the car or the front door, so we know you have to be feeling really bad, but don't! Mom has a quote written down in her little book of quotes she loves about how guilt doesn't fix anything or help anything, it just makes it worse. Without the guilt, both you and Maggie will feel much better faster.
Keep us updated. I've added you to my list to read everyday. Even though I don't know Maggie, I'm still worrying about her and praying for you and her.

Balboa said...

OH NO, Maggie you are in our thoughts for a speedy recovery.
I am glad your mommy was there to help you and took you to the vet right away, you are such a brave girl.

I hope that terrible man gets whats coming to him for not stopping and helping.

Frenchie get well hugs and kisses

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Magz, wishing you a speedy recovery. Get well soon pal! J x

PB 'n J said...

Oh my - our woofie is an Airedale too! They are very resilient pups - we're hoping for a speedy and full recovery for Maggie.

Our mom says that her old Airedale was hit by a car and suffered long term arthritis in her hip - but, being an Airedale, that it never really stopped her!

Anonymous said...

The Mom and I have our paws crossed and are sending good vibes to Maggie! Puppy kisses and I hope you feel better and get to come home soon!

Maya and Kena said...

OMD Maggie,
We are so sorry to hear this... We are just so glad that nothing more serious happened... Thank dog your okay!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Duke said...

We're stopping by to tell you that we're thinging of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

andrahyb said...

Dear Maggie,

We have you in our thoughts and prayers... Speedy recovery.

Paw Hugs,

Koobuss said...

Reading Maggie's story brings tears to my eyes!! We wish her, and you, a complete and speedy recovery!!
Best of luck to you!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

dog diapers said...

It is a great shocked to me.I wish the Maggie will obtain complete restoration soon.

where are you ?